DIY Real Estate Photography Checklist

DIY Real Estate Photography Checklist

As anyone who has sold a house knows, first impressions are key. And in today’s market, where buyers have more choice than ever before, it’s more important than ever to make sure your property stands out from the crowd. When a buyer walks into your home, they’re comparing it to tens of other similar houses.

So what is going to make your house stand out in the minds of potential buyers? Having beautiful photos of your home is obviously important, but it can be pricey to hire a professional. Thankfully, it is totally possible to take your own high quality photos so that you can experience the benefits of great real estate photography without the high price tag. In this article we’ll give you a checklist for taking your own high quality photos to help your home sell quickly.

One of the most effective ways to help your house stand out from the competition is through high-quality photography. Top notch photos will help your listing stand out online, and can make a big difference when it comes to getting potential buyers through the door.

Why Professional Photos Matter When Selling Your Home

But first, why is photography so important when selling your home? Here are four key reasons:

1. Good photos make your property look its best

High quality photos ensure that your property will be shown in its best light. Good photos can make a big difference to how your listing looks online, and can help to attract more viewers.

2. High quality photos will help you stand out from the competition

In today’s market, there are often dozens of properties for sale in any given area. So how do you make sure yours stands out from the crowd? One way is to take quality photos. With good photos, your listing will look its best and will be more likely to catch the eye of potential buyers.

3. Good photos can help to sell your property faster

If you’re looking to sell your property quickly, good photos can be a key ingredient. Potential buyers are more likely to request a viewing if they’re impressed by the photos, so it’s worth taking the time to capture great pictures to help speed up the sale.

4. Quality photos can add value to your property

As well as helping you sell your property faster, nice photos can also add value. In fact, research has shown that properties with high quality photos sell for an average of 2.3% higher than those without.

If you’re looking to make a quick and profitable sale, high-quality photos should be top of your list!

Real Estate Photo Prep: Checklist for Amazing Shots

Now that we understand the importance of high quality real estate photos, it’s time to get organized. This checklist will help you make sure you’ve got everything covered so that your home looks its best in the photos.

  1. Camera: advanced camera technology means that you no longer need a fancy DSLR camera to capture quality photos of your home. All you need is a newer model of a smart phone, and you should be able to utilize the camera function to capture crisp, quality photographs of your space.
  2. Declutter: The first step in staging your home for photos is to clean up and declutter. This means getting rid of any items that are not essential to the photo shoot. This includes things like personal photos, knick-knacks, and excess furniture. The goal is to have a clean and open space that looks inviting and spacious.
  3. Depersonalize: In addition to decluttering, you’ll also want to depersonalize your space. This means removing any personal touches that could be distracting in the photos. This includes things like family photos, wall art, and personal mementos. Again, the goal is to have a clean and open space that looks inviting and spacious. You want potential buyers to be able to envision themselves living in your home, and that’s tough to do if your belongings are everywhere.
  4. Stage: Once you’ve decluttered and depersonalized your space, it’s time to start staging. This means arranging your furniture and decor in a way that is pleasing to the eye and makes the most of the space. You’ll want to consider things like traffic flow, focal points, and symmetry. Keep in mind that often, less is more. You want your photos to look un-crowded and open, so removing some excess furniture might be a good idea. Here is a video demonstrating how to stage your home for photos:
  5. Lighting: Lighting is an important element in real estate photography. You’ll want to make sure there is plenty of light in each room so that the photos are clear and bright. Natural light is always best, so if possible, open up blinds and curtains before the photo shoot. When taking your photos, take them so that the light is behind you as often as possible.
  6. Clean: The final step in staging your home for real estate photos is to make sure it is clean. This means dusting, vacuuming, and taking care of any other general cleaning tasks. You want your home to look its best in the photos, so take the time to make it shine. Here is a link to some of the most effective and affordable cleaning supplies available:
  7. Photograph: You’ll need 30+ photos of your space to use for a real estate listing. When taking your photos, set the camera to its widest angle and hold the camera about chest high and oriented horizontally. Be sure to have a steady hand and to capture a level horizon line.
  8. Edit: Once you have finished taking your photos, use your phone’s editing tools to brighten and increase the contrast and sharpness of your pictures. Do not add filters or effects, remember: the photos should look as natural and true to life as possible.

Great real estate photos are not the only way to help your house sell quickly and for the best possible price. Here are a few other tricks you can try to increase the value and appeal of your home.

Sell Your Home Faster By Improving Curb Appeal

One way is by sprucing up your curb appeal. This means making sure your lawn is green and well-manicured, your landscaping is attractive, there are no pests around, and your home’s exterior is in good condition. Simply put, you want your home to look its best from the street. In a highly saturated market, the outside of your house can be the difference between an unforgettable first impression and a house that blends into the crowd. Your home’s curb appeal is important for a number of reasons. Not only does it make your home more attractive to potential buyers, but it can also increase your property value.

There are a number of simple things you can do to boost your curb appeal and make your home stand out from the rest. Here are a few ideas:

1. Give your front door a facelift. A new coat of paint or some fresh hardware can go a long way in terms of increasing curb appeal.

2. Spruce up your landscaping. trimmed bushes, colorful flowers, and green grass are all signs of a well-kept home and will definitely help increase curb appeal.

3. Pressure wash any exterior surfaces that are looking dingy. This will instantly make your home look cleaner and more well-maintained.

4. Add some new lighting fixtures. This can help create a warm and inviting atmosphere, making your home more welcoming to visitors.

5. Hang some nice curtains or blinds in your windows. This will add a touch of style and sophistication to your home’s exterior.

By following these simple tips, you can easily increase your home’s curb appeal and make it more attractive to potential buyers. So get out there and start sprucing up your property today!

Another way to make your home more appealing to buyers is by decluttering and depersonalizing it. This means getting rid of any knick-knacks, photos, or other items that could make your home feel too personal.

Additionally, you’ll want to make sure your home is priced correctly. If it’s too high, buyers will likely move on to other properties. A good way to identify the best possible price for your home is to look at other listings in your area and see how they are priced. You want to get the best possible price but also be competitive with the comparable houses in the market. If your house is priced just right, you could see a lot of interest – which could lead to multiple offers and a bidding war, driving up the final selling price.

By following these tips, you can be sure that your home will look great in real estate photos and that your house will sell quickly and for top dollar. Just remember to declutter, depersonalize, stage, light, clean, and photograph so that your home makes a great first impression.